The commodity producer and seller is IP Barantaeva F.M. Consumer claims operator (under EU consumer right legislation) and electronic interface operator (payments receiving agent) is Armor GmbH

IP Barantaeva F.M.

Company address:

Novosibirsk, Koroleva str, b. 40 est.40, of 2712, Russia

Armor GmbH

Company address: Fuggerstr. 19
10777 Berlin Germany
Tel: +49 176 717 23541

Commercial register entry: local court Charlottenburg HRB 200179 B
Registered office of the company: Berlin

Managing Directors:
Bulat Barantaev
Artem Smyslov

VAT identification number: DE3136267698

National tax number: 29/211/31223

Online Dispute Settlement in accordance with Art. 14 Para. 1 ODR-Reg.: the European Commission provides a platform for online dispute settlement (OS), which you will find under: